emergency *
807 520 020 807 520 020**
(No Skype)

AUGUST > the 3rd to 12th included //
* Arrests, Taking statements Police / Court, Speedy Trial.
** Cost 1.16 €(fixed) and 1.51 € (mobile) per minute (including VAT).

Litigation / Judicial

Real Estate Law

PALMALEX covers a wide range of services within the area of real estate law and construction law, with special emphasis on:

  • Obtaining and renovation of building permissions
  • Real Estate Acquisitions
  • Verification of the legal situation and background conditions before buying a finca
  • Preparation of the corresponding property sales contracts
  • Preparation of the appropriate mortgage contracts and legal advice on the necessary financing of future (building) projects
  • Inquiry and verification of real estate objects to be sold at auction and participation in the corresponding auctions
  • Barter Agreements
  • Legal advice on issues such as architecture, constructional engineering, development of real estate projects, planning, refurbishment and rehabilitation
Real Estate Law